
    Future Perfect Tense - правила

    Future Perfect Tense

    Будущее совершённое время в английском языке предполагает выполнение действия и наличие результата.

    Употребление Future Perfect

    Когда говорим о действии, которое совершится и будет законченно к определённому моменту в будущем:


    Я закончу эту работу завтра к четырём часам дня.
    I will have finished this work by 4 o'clock tomorrow.

    Когда говорим о действии, которое завершится до начала другого действия в будущем. Это (другое) действие выражается с помощью Present Simple:


    Он закончит работу, когда я к нему приду.
    He will have finished his work, when I come him.

    Образование Future Perfect

    Для образования предложения необходимо использовать вспомогательные слова will have перед глаголом. К правильному глаголу добавляем окончание -ed. Неправильные глаголы ставим в 3-ю форму.

    Поясняющая таблица к Future Perfect Tense

    Positive Negative Questions
    I will have finished/done I will not have finished/done Will I have finished/done?
    will have finished/done He
    will not have finished/done Will He
    have finished/done?
    will have finished/done You
    will not have finished/done Will You
    have finished/done?

    В утвердительном и отрицательном предложении will может сокращаться:

    I will have = I'll have
    Will not have = won't have

    Вспомогательные слова:

    • by that time
    • by 8 o'clock
    • by the end of the week
    • by the morning/evening
    • till/until
    • as soon as
    • after
    • when

    Выполните практические упражнения

    Put the verb in brackets into the Future Perfect

    1. (translate) this text by 8 o’clock this evening.
    2. I (make) this cake by his party.
    3. She (fail) her exam by tomorrow, if she has not yet begun to prepare it.
    4. This report is so difficult, that I (not/complete) it in a year’s time.
    5. After you finish this program, you (learn) over a hundreds words.

    Answer the questions in the Future Perfect Tense, using the words in brackets.

    Example: Will you still be busy if I call you at six? (finish) - Oh, no, we will have finished by that time.

    1. Will he still be staying in the city tomorrow? (move to his hometown)
    2. Will they be review the plan at 4 o’clock? (make a decision)
    3. Will your pupils be writing an exam at eleven in the morning? (prepare)
    4. Will your sister still be a university student next autumn? (graduate)
    5. Will you still remember me in ten years? (forget)
    6. Will she be at meeting on Monday? (leave for England)
    7. Will he be waiting your call tomorrow afternoon? (receive my letter)
    8. Will you be having a lesson when I come home? (go to the swimming-pool)


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