Подготовка к собеседованию моряков

    Подготовка к тесту Marlins online - часть 2

    При сдаче Marlins теста для каждого испытуемого автоматически формируется пул вопросов по нескольким тематикам - грамматика, глаголы, предлоги, произношение, чтение, словарь слов и цифр, построение предложения. На нашем сайте размещены несколько реально пройденных в специализированных центрах тестовых заданий, используя которые Вы подготовитесь к сдаче теста Марлинс.

    Вопросы к тесту Marlins


    Выберите правильный предлог

    В этом задании Вам необходимо выбрать правильный предлог, который подходит по общему смыслу предложения.

    1. ___________ public holidays the crew often have to work


    2. What was the main cause __________ the accident last week?


    3. In hot weather awnings are rigged __________ the quarterdeck.


    4. All vessels are advised to keep clear ___________ this area.


    5. I’m not impressed with the communication __________ you all, It’s affecting the safety on this vessel.


    6. Which is the best fire extinguisher to use __________ an electrical fire?


    7. ‘Be careful you don’t fall __________ the ladder.’


    8. The ratings had to work all night and the next day they complained of lack ________ sleep


    9. These records are maintained on board _________ at least a 12-month period


    Список слов к материалу:

    Up - вверх At – в, около
    Onto - на On - на
    Down - вниз Because – потому что
    During - во время Between - между
    Of – указывает на принадлежность During – во время / в течении
    Off – используется в выражениях switch off/turn off/off-shore
    From - из Since - с
    On - на While – в то время как
    Into - в For – для/на протяжении
    Between - между In - в
    During – во время Out - из


    Выберите правильное слово

    Задание на грамматику. Необходимо выбрать правильное вопросительное слово или глагол в правильном времени.

    1. We’ve ______________ a new ship security officer

    Gotten         get          got          been got

    2. You can close the holds after the heavy-lifts _________________.

    Have been loaded          to be loaded          are being load          loaded

    3. This drill was ______________ than the last one

    More good          better          best          more better

    4. The U.S. Coast Guard ______________ the investigation at the moment.

    Had overseen          overseeen          is overseeing          overseeing


    Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence
    Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получилось предложение

    1. warning at the received storm
      1900hrs was
    2. the ? gave who order to
      Engines stop the
    3. has someone this lock been
      By broken
    4. kinds of cargo port pass through
      ? Your what
    5. where rig pilot ladder will ?
      The they
    6. prevent ? on how board do
      Coming you unauthorised persons from


    Choose the correct word
    Выберите правильное слово

    Задание на грамматику. Необходимо выбрать правильное вопросительное слово или глагол в правильном времени.

    1. _____________ on board?

    when did the pilot arrived          when will the pilot arrive

    when have the pilot arrived        when the pilot will arrive

    2. _____________ ready to sail?

    was you          are you        is you          has you been

    3. What _____________ you thinking of doing?

    are         do         does          is

    4. How _______________ different type of ship mines are there?

    much        many          far           often

    5. What cargo ________________ your ship carry?

    does          does can          will can          has

    6. How long ________________ our Master?

    were you known          had you knew          have you known          you know



    Choose the option that does not belong to the group
    В строке выберите слово, которое не подходит по смыслу

    commence start stop begin
    twist screw throw turn
    search look for lose hunt
    lake pool sand pond
    knife visa ticket passport

    Значение слов:

    Commence - начинать Turn - поворачивать sand - песок
    Start - начинать search - искать pond - пруд
    Stop - прекращать look for - искать knife - нож
    Begin - начинать lose - терять visa - виза
    Twist - скручивать hunt - охотиться ticket - билет
    Screw - завинчивать lake - озеро passport - паспорт
    Throw - бросать pool – бассейн  


    Move each word in the correct category
    Поставьте слова в нужную категорию

    В этом задании необходимо расставить слова в таблице в нужную категорию по смыслу.

    1. potato carrot pineapple tea coffee water melon
    Fruit Vegetable Drink

    Перевод слов:

    Fruit - фрукты Vegetable - овощи Drink - напитки
    Potato - картофель Carrot - морковь Pineapple - ананас
    Tea - чай Coffee - кофе water melon - арбуз
    2. stretcher torch rescue team tasteless odourless standby attendant
    Enclosed space entry personnel Enclosed space equipment Inert gases

    Перевод слов:

    Enclosed space entry personnel - персонал Stretcher - носилки
    Enclosed space equipment - оборудование Standby attendant - наблюдатель
    Inert gases - инертные газы Rescueteam - спасательная команда
    Tasteless - безвкусный Odourless - без запаха
    Torch - фонарик  
    3. motorbike train warehouse fax telephone factory
    Building Transport Communication

    Перевод слов:

    Motorbike - мотоцикл Train - поезд Warehouse - склад
    Fax - факс Telephone - телефон Factory - фабрика
    Building - здание Transport - транспорт Communication - связь
    4. proceed lead pull back inert stationary withdraw
    Retreat Advance Remain still

    Перевод слов:

    Proceed - следовать Lead - возглавлять
    Pull back - отступить Inert - инертный
    Stationary - неподвижный Withdraw – забирать, отводить
    Retreat – давать задний ход Advance - вперед
    Remainstill – оставаться на месте  
    5. bridge galley glue drizzle sleet weld
    Repair Places on the vessel Weather conditions

    Перевод слов:

    Bridge - мостик Galley - камбуз
    Glue - клей Drizzle – моросящий дождь
    Sleet - слякоть Weld - варить
    Repair - ремонт Places on the vessel – места на судне
    Weather conditions – погодные условия  

    Выберите правильную цифру

    1. The International Maritime Organisation have been working towards a Ballast Water Convention for more than a decade.

    a year
    a couple
    of years
    ten years

    2. It was noticed that package number 167 had been opened.

    sixteen and seven
    one six seven
    one and sixty seven

    3. You must arrive at the airport at 0010 hrs

    just after midday
    just after midnight
    just after 1 am

    4. You should be using a pen with a 0.25 mm nib for that chartwork

    zero point two five
    two point five
    twenty five points

    5. Their company has 1,200 employees.

    one thousand two hundred
    twelve and one hundred
    one thousand point two hundred

    Выберите слово в строке таблицы, в котором выделенный звук звучит не так как во всех остальных словах

    1. board blue loose prove
    2. bathroom health the thruster
    3. ring long wing bag
    4. navigate sample evacuate calculate
    5. regulation segregate guage argument
    6. wrench champagne chain change
    7. hit hour height hook
    8. name black man flag
    9. piracy trimming wire stabilizer

    Прочитайте текст и выберите правильные слова и фразы

    Enclosed space entry case study-failure to follow procedure

    A third officer onboard a chemical tanker was (discovered/discovering/discovery) unconscious in a partially inerted cargo tank while the vessel was alongside.

    The onboard emergency response team quickly arrived (for/in/on) the scene and carried out a tank rescue.

    The third officer was taken (by/in/on) helicopter to a local hospital. He died several days later.

    The cause of death was (as a result/because/due) to nitrogen gas exposure. The third officer had been checking the oxygen level in the tank (at/in/on) preparation for loading a cargo of propyleneoxide.

    It is estimated that the atmosphere in the tank contained approximately 10% oxygen (at/in/on) the time of the accident.

    Ответы к тесту Marlins

    Выберите правильный предлог

    1. _______________public holidays the crew often have to work

    up          onto          down          during

    2. What was the main cause ______________ the accident last week?

    of          off          from

    3. In hot weather awnings are rigged ______________ the quarterdeck

    on         into         between        during

    4. All vessels are advised to keep clear ________________ this area

    of           at          on

    5. I’m not impressed with the communication ______________ you all, It’s affecting the safety on this vessel

    because          between          during

    6. Which is the best fire extinguisher to use _______________ an electrical fire?

    on          out           into

    7. ‘Be careful you don’t fall _______________ the ladder.’

    of           off            in

    8. The ratings had to work all night and the next day they complained of lack ____________ sleep

    for          off            of

    9. These records are maintained on board ____________ at least a 12-month period

    since       while        for


    Choose the correct word
    Выберите правильное слово

    1. We’ve ______________ a new ship security officer

    gotten          get          got           been got

    2. You can close the holds after the heavy-lifts _________________.

    have been loaded          to be loaded          are being load          loaded

    3. This drill was ______________ than the last one

    more good          better         best          more better

    4. The U.S. Coast Guard ______________ the investigation at the moment.

    had overseen          overseeen          is overseeing          overseeing


    Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence
    Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получилось предложение

    1.warning at the received storm
    1900hrs was

    The storm warning was received at 1900 hrs.

    2. the ? gave who order to
    Engines stop the
    Who gave the order to stop the engines?

    3. has someone this lock been
    By broken

    This lock has been broken by someone.

    4.kinds of cargo port pass through
    ? Your what
    What kinds of cargo pass through your port?

    5. where rig pilot ladder will ?
    The they

    Where will they rig the pilot ladder?

    6. prevent ? on how board do
    Coming you unauthorized persons from

    How do you prevent unauthorized persons from coming on board?

    Choose the correct word
    Выберите правильное слово

    1. _____________ on board?

    when did the pilot arrived           when will the pilot arrive

    when have the pilot arrived         when the pilot will arrive

    2. _____________ ready to sail?

    was you          are you          is you          has you been

    3. What _____________ you thinking of doing?

    are do does is

    4. How _______________ different type of ship mines are there?

    much          many          far         often

    5. What cargo ________________ your ship carry?

    does         does          can         will can          has

    6. How long ________________ our Master?

    were you known          had you knew           have you known           you know


    Choose the option that does not belong to the group

    Выберите слово, которое не подходит по смыслу

    1. commence         start          stop          begin
    2. twist screw        throw        turn
    3. search               look for      lose           hunt
    4. lake                  pool           sand          pond
    5. knife                 visa           ticket        passport


    Move each word in the correct category
    Поставьте слова в нужную категорию


    potato carrot • pineapple • tea • coffee • water melon

    Fruit Vegetable Drink
    pineapple potato tea
    water melon carrot coffee



    stretcher • torch • rescue team • tasteless • odourless • standby attendant

    Enclosed space entry personnel Enclosed space equipment Inert gases
    rescue team stretcher tasteless
    standby attendant torch Odourless


    motorbike • train • warehouse • fax • telephone • factory

    Building Transport Communication
    warehouse train fax
    factory motorbike telephone


    proceed • lead • pull back • inert • stationary • withdraw

    Retreat Advance Remain still
    pull back lead stationary
    withdraw proceed inert



    bridge • galley • glue • drizzle • sleet • weld

    Repair Places on the vessel Weather conditions
    glue bridge drizzle
    weld galley sleet


    Выберите правильную цифру

    1. The International Maritime Organisation have been working towards a Ballast Water Convention for more than a decade.

    a year             a couple of years            ten years

    2. It was noticed that package number 167 had been opened.

    sixteen and seven           one six seven           one and sixty seven

    3. You must arrive at the airport at 0010 hrs

    just after midday           just after midnight           just after 1 am

    4. You should be using a pen with a 0.25 mm nib for that chartwork

    zero point two five           two point five           twenty five points

    5. Their company has 1,200 employees.

    one thousand two hundred           twelve and one hundred           one thousand point two hundred

    Выберите слово в котором выделенный звук звучит не так как во всех остальных словах

    1. board blue loose prove
    2. bathroom health the thruster
    3. ring long wing bag
    4. navigate sample evacuate calculate
    5. regulation segregate guag e argument
    6. wrench champagne chain change
    7. hit hour height hook
    8. name black man flag
    9. piracy trimming wire stabilizer

    Enclosed space entry case study-failure to follow procedure

    A third officer onboard a chemical tanker was (discovered/discovering/discovery) unconscious in a partially inerted cargo tank while the vessel was alongside.

    The onboard emergency response team quickly arrived (for/in/on) the scene and carried out a tank rescue.

    The third officer was taken (by/in/on) helicopter to a local hospital. He died several days later.

    The cause of death was (as a result/because/due) to nitrogen gas exposure. The third officer had been checking the oxygen level in the tank (at/in/on) preparation for loading a cargo of propyleneoxide.

    It is estimated that the atmosphere in the tank contained approximately 10% oxygen (at/in/on) the time of the accident.

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