Подготовка к собеседованию моряков

    Подготовка к тесту Marlins online - часть 1

    Краткое описание:

    Marlins тест состоит из нескольких частей:

    1. Listening (Восприятие на слух) состоит из 25 вопросов.
    Вам необходимо поставить правильное слово или ответить на вопрос, прослушав диалог.

    2. Grammar (Грамматика) содержит задания для выполнения которых, необходимо знать основные времена английского языка и правильное построение предложений. Эта часть включает в себя упражнения, в которых вам необходимо выбрать правильный предлог, правильное вопросительное слово или глагол в правильном времени, а также поставить слова в предложении в правильном порядке.

    3. Vocabulary (Словарный запас) – целью данного задания является проверка того, насколько большим словарным запасом вы обладаете. Задания включают в себя как разговорную лексику, так и морскую терминологию.

    4. Pronunciation (Произношение) – из четырех предложенных слов вы должны выбрать то, которое звучит не так как все остальные.

    5. Numbers (Цифры) – необходимо выбрать правильную цифру (год, дату, единицу измерения и т.д.)

    6. Чтение.
    В тексте пропущены слова или выражения. Вам необходимо выбрать правильный ответ из предложенных вариантов.

    Вопросы к тесту Marlins


    Выберите правильный предлог

    В этом задании Вам необходимо выбрать правильный предлог, который подходит по общему смыслу предложения.

    1. You are proceeding ___________________ a dangerous speed.

    on          in          at

    2. It’s vital to consider the health and safety ____________________ the crew.

    off         of          at

    3. The Panamax bulker sent out a distress message saying the holds were filling ______________ water.

    in           by         with

    4. We were late for the vessel because our plane didn’t take off _______________ midnight.

    while     during    until

    5. I’ve got two months leave starting ____________ Monday.

    on          in          at

    6. Are you familiar ______________ this type of equipment?

    of          with       for

    7. Who is responsible ____________ the use of the communication equipment in an emergency?

    at          from      for

    8. An immersion suit protects the user from rapidly losing body heat, and it is quick and easy to put ______________.

    onto       into       on

    9. We have been waiting for a berth ___________ 3 hours.

    for         to          from

    10. You should never enter an enclosed space _____________ an Enclosed Space Entry Permit has been issued.

    unless     during    since

    11. _______________will investigate the cause of the accident.


    Выберите правильное слово

    Задание на грамматику. Необходимо выбрать правильное вопросительное слово или глагол в правильном времени.

    1. _______________ will investigate the cause of the accident

    whose          who          when          where

    2. ________ the crew clean and prepare cargo holds yesterday?

    did              have         does           do

    3. The investigators _________ to find the cause of the accident since last night

    is trying        has been trying           have been trying           was trying

    4. _________ was the cause of the crude oil spill?

    what           why          how             how many

    Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence.

    Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получилось предложение.

    1. when   ?     last     the     lifeboat     you     did     launch

    2. board     on     speak     can     ?     who     Spanish

    3. the     why     angry     ?     Master     was     so

    4. side     the     ship     which     will     ?     moor

    5. have     permit     to     work     ?     seen     you     the

    6. did     you     the     Master     ?     the     visitors     inform     about

    Choose the correct word.

    Выберите правильное слово.

    Задание на грамматику. Необходимо выбрать правильное вопросительное слово или глагол в правильном времени.

    1. ____________spanner should I use for this repair?

    why           which           who

    2.______________ any injured crewmembers on board?

    is there are there           there was           did there

    3. _______________ did you last check the lifeboat inventory?

    what         when            who

    4. Who ______________?

    is responsible for this        for this is responsible           is responsibility for this responsible for this

    5. ____________ is the ship bound for?

    where        when           whose

    6. _____________ is her full manoeuvring speed?

    why           whose          what           how many

    Choose the option that does not belong to the group.
    Выберите слово, которое не подходит по смыслу.

    1. lift drop raise hoist
    2. buy hire rent charter
    3. beside close to next to far
    4. pier bollard berth quay
    5. Black sea Red sea Mediterranean sea Atlantic ocean

    Move each word in the correct category.

    Поставьте слова в нужную категорию.

    В этом задании необходимо расставить слова в нужную категорию по смыслу.

    1. portal deck crane fender winch heavy-lift derrick towline head line
    Mooring arrangement Cargo-handling Towing arrangement
    2. dense fog hose poor visibility thermal protective aid lifebuoy extinguisher
    Fire-fighting appliances Weather conditions Life-saving appliances
    3. motorbike factory telephone train warehouse fax
    Building Transport Communication
    4. flammable liquid grounding toxic gas face shield sinking ear defender
    Types of emergency Hazardous materials Safety equipment
    5. life jacket safety goggles immersion suit fire blanket boiler suit extinguisher
    Personal protective equipment Life-saving equipment Fire-fighting equipment


    Выберите правильную цифру.

    1. It takes 45 minutes to get to the airport from here by bus.

    half an hour          three quarters of an hour         quarter of an hour

    2. The maximum water temperature for tank washing is 60*C

    sixty degrees        six point zero degrees             sixty percent

    3. The Master finishes his contract on November the 21st

    twenty-one           twenty-first               twelfth

    4. The cargo was loaded on Tuesday 21st April

    twenty one           twenty first               twenty and one


    Выберите слово, в котором выделенный звук звучит не так, как во всех остальных словах.

    1. like mirror primer mile
    2. boat coast long role
    3. spirit size figure midship
    4. bacon flame camshaft frame
    5. steer beach sea break
    6. cheap meat deep shine
    7. pure picture secure fuel
    8. barge storage galley luggage
    9. bread ready beam steady


    Прочитайте текст и выберите правильные слова и фразы.

    Risk assessment

    Rick assessment is a relatively simple task and is a careful of (essential/irrelevant/potential) hazards during onboard activities. During this examination precautions already in place can be identified and decisions made as to whether additional precautions may be (hired/raised/required).

    The aim is to prevent or at least (downsize/maximize/minimize) the chances of accidents or incidents on board. Assessments are required for (all/every/everyone) critical operations on board.

    An operation which may be (compared/considered/contrasted) as “routine” with minimal rick in normal conditions may present a higher rick where conditions change, for example bad weather or machinery failure.
    Day to day operations are to be (excluded/included/prohibited) as well as all other critical operations including unusual or infrequent tasks.

    Ответы к тесту Marlins


    Выберите правильный предлог

    1. You are proceeding ___________________ a dangerous speed.

    on          in          at

    2. It’s vital to consider the health and safety ____________________ the crew.

    off         of          at

    3. The Panamax bulker sent out a distress message saying the holds were filling ______________ water.

    in           by         with

    4. We were late for the vessel because our plane didn’t take off _______________ midnight.

    while     during    until

    5. I’ve got two months leave starting ____________ Monday.

    on          in          at

    6. Are you familiar ______________ this type of equipment?

    of          with       for

    7. Who is responsible ____________ the use of the communication equipment in an emergency?

    at          from      for

    8. An immersion suit protects the user from rapidly losing body heat, and it is quick and easy to put ______________.

    onto       into       on

    9. We have been waiting for a berth ___________ 3 hours.

    for         to          from

    10. You should never enter an enclosed space _____________ an Enclosed Space Entry Permit has been issued.

    unless     during    since

    11. _______________will investigate the cause of the accident.


    Выберите правильное слово

    1. _______________ will investigate the cause of the accident.

    whose          who          when          where

    2. ________ the crew clean and prepare cargo holds yesterday?

    did              have         does           do

    3. The investigators _________ to find the cause of the accident since last night.

    is trying        has been trying           have been trying           was trying

    4. _________ was the cause of the crude oil spill?

    what           why          how             how many

    Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence.

    Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получилось предложение.

    1. when   ?     last     the     lifeboat     you     did     launch

    When did you last launch the lifeboat?

    2. board     on     speak     can     ?     who     Spanish

    Who can speak Spanish on board?

    3. the     why     angry     ?     Master     was     so

    Why was the Master so angry?

    4. side     the     ship     which     will     ?     moor

    Which side will the ship moor?

    5. have     permit     to     work     ?     seen     you     the

    Have you seen the permit to work?

    6. did     you     the     Master     ?     the     visitors     inform     about

    Did you inform the Master about the visitors?

    Choose the correct word.

    Выберите правильное слово.

    1. ____________spanner should I use for this repair?

    why           which           who

    2.______________ any injured crewmembers on board?

    is there      are there           there was           did there

    3. _______________ did you last check the lifeboat inventory?

    what         when            who

    4. Who ______________?

    is responsible for this        for this is responsible           is responsibility for this responsible for this

    5. ____________ is the ship bound for?

    where        when           whose

    6. _____________ is her full manoeuvring speed?

    why           whose          what           how many

    Choose the option that does not belong to the group.
    Выберите слово, которое не подходит по смыслу.

    1. lift drop raise hoist
    2. buy hire rent charter
    3. beside close to next to far
    4. pier bollard berth quay
    5. Black sea Red sea Mediterranean sea Atlantic ocean

    Move each word in the correct category.

    Поставьте слова в нужную категорию.

    1. portal deck crane • fender • winch • heavy-lift derrick • towline • head line

    Mooring arrangement Cargo-handling Towing arrangement
    winch portal deck crane fender
    head line heavy-lift derrick towline

    2. dense fog • hose • poor visibility • thermal protective aid • lifebuoy • extinguisher

    Fire-fighting appliances Weather conditions Life-saving appliances
    hose dense fog lifebuoy
    extinguisher poor visibility thermal protective aid

    3. motorbike • factory • telephone • train • warehouse • fax

    Building Transport Communication
    factory motorbike telephone
    warehouse train fax

    4. flammable liquid • grounding • toxic gas • face shield • sinking • ear defender

    Types of emergency Hazardous materials Safety equipment
    grounding flammable liquid face shield
    sinking toxic gas ear defender

    5. life jacket • safety goggles • immersion suit • fire blanket • boiler suit • extinguisher

    Personal protective equipment Life-saving equipment Fire-fighting equipment
    safety goggles life jacket fare blanket
    boiler suit immersion suit extinguisher


    Выберите правильную цифру.

    1. It takes 45 minutes to get to the airport from here by bus.

    half an hour          three quarters of an hour         quarter of an hour

    2. The maximum water temperature for tank washing is 60*C

    sixty degrees        six point zero degrees             sixty percent

    3. The Master finishes his contract on November the 21st

    twenty-one           twenty-first               twelfth

    4. The cargo was loaded on Tuesday 21st April

    twenty one           twenty first               twenty and one


    Выберите слово, в котором выделенный звук звучит не так, как во всех остальных словах.

    1. like mirror primer mile
    2. boat coast long role
    3. spirit size figure midship
    4. bacon flame camshaft frame
    5. steer beach sea break
    6. cheap meat deep shine
    7. pure picture secure fuel
    8. barge storage galley luggage
    9. bread ready beam steady


    Прочитайте текст и выберите правильные слова и фразы.

    Risk assessment

    Rick assessment is a relatively simple task and is a careful of (essential/irrelevant/potential ) hazards during onboard activities. During this examination precautions already in place can be identified and decisions made as to whether additional precautions may be (hired/raised/required).

    The aim is to prevent or at least (downsize/maximize/minimize) the chances of accidents or incidents on board. Assessments are required for (all /every/everyone) critical operations on board.

    An operation which may be (compared/considered/contrasted) as “routine” with minimal rick in normal conditions may present a higher rick where conditions change, for example bad weather or machinery failure.
    Day to day operations are to be (excluded/included/prohibited) as well as all other critical operations including unusual or infrequent tasks.

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