Подготовка к собеседованию моряков

    Вопросы к собеседованию штурманов

    Вопросы к собеседованию штурманов в крюинговых компаниях. Интервью проводится на английском языке.

    Interview questions for navigators.


    1. Are you familiar with Third Officer's duties?
    2. What was your previous company's work policy?
    3. What is the first thing you are going to do when you go to your vessel? What kind of familiarization do you need to do?
    4. What are your duties during navigational watch?
    5. What are your duties as a safety officer?


    1. What documents must you check immediately on coming on board?
    2. What are fire fighting training manuals? SOLAS training manual? Where are they located?
    3. Did you have maintenance manual for fire-fighting equipment, breathing apparatus?
    4. What safety equipment do you check weekly/monthly?
    5. What security reports must you have?
    6. You are near the ladder. Somebody is coming on board. What is the procedure of letting this person to come on board?
    7. What is risk assessment card?
    8. What is fire alarm signal?
    9. Tell me a few things regarding drills. What drills do we have on vessel?
    10. What are drill procedures? What are intervals of drills?
    11. We have a fire in one electrical panel. What is the means of extinguishing?
    12. There is a fire in the manifold. Oil got fire. You are leader of team and you are proceeding to extinguish fire. How do you extinguish fire?
    13. How often do you check extinguisher what do you have to check?
    14. How often do you test fire hoses?
    15. How often do you have to check fire doors? What do we need to check?
    16. You have a fire alarm on the bridge. What are your actions?
    17. How do you lower life boat?
    18. Tell me rules about lowering life boat?
    19. You are on the bridge. It's 11 p.m. You have a little traffic suddenly you have fire alarm in the engine room. What are your actions?
    20. The Captain is giving order to instruct your crew to prepare ladder for pilot. What safety equipment do you expect to be used by Bosun and ratings?


    1. How many methods of position fixing do you know?
    2. How many people should man a bridge at night?
    3. You come on bridge to take over watch from other officer. What items must you check first? What is priority?
    4. What information do you put in pre-arrival check list?
    5. What kind of actions do you have to do before departure from port?
    6. What information does passage plan include?
    7. What information must be recorded in log book?
    8. How often do we make compass error?
    9. How do we take deviations? What books do you use?
    10. Did your previous ship have ECDIS?
    11. You are passing Gibraltar Strait. What method of position fixing must you use?
    12. Tell me about bridge watch keeping during the night.
    13. What was your company under keel clearance policy?
    14. What must you check on the radar?
    15. Can we use dead reckoning as a mean of position fixing?
    16. What do you have to do if you navigate in heavy traffic?
    17. What do you have to do if you receive some distress?
    18. What actions must you take to avoid collision?
    19. What are you going to do if you have reduced visibility during your watch?
    20. What is under keel clearance?
    21. How much is under keel clearance?
    22. How do you fix position at open sea and coastal water?
    23. Can you take position from life buoys?
    24. In case if you have confined waters. What are primary and secondary means of position fixing?
    25. What was requirement of your previous Master regarding calling the Master in poor visibility? How many miles?
    26. It is zero visibility. If you are manning vessel and start going astern. What is the sound signal?


    1. What radio tests do you have to do?
    2. Do you know how to test SART?
    3. Do you know what is radar performance monitor?
    4. What do you know about magnetic compass?
    5. How do we do the compass error?
    6. What publication do we use to make compass error?
    7. What is the bridge watch navigation alarm system?
    8. Are you familiar with portable gas analysis's?
    9. Are you familiar with compass error? How often do you do it?
    10. Are you familiar with ECDIS?


    1. What was your previous company policy about hot work? Is there any place where notification to office during hot work is not required?
    2. What is brake holding capacity of mooring winches?
    3. What percent of oxygen should be in cargo tanks?
    4. You are an assistant of Safety Officer. Electrician has to go to the forecastle to change a bulb. What should we check for this job?
    5. We need to go to fore peak to check the ballast tank, condition of coating. What are your actions?
    6. What are your actions if you need to go to enclosed space?
    7. We need you to go to ballast.Tank №2 It's empty. Chief mate is sending you to check smth there. What are your procedures to go there?
    8. We need to do hot work on main deck. The vessel is fully loaded. What are your actions?
    9. Can we do hot work in engine room? What must you do before we start?
    10. What is maximum amount of oxygen in cargo tank?
    11. You are officer of the watch Chief Officer is preparing to start discharging along side the terminal and he instructs you to go on deck and check if all is OK to start discharging. What items will you check?
    12. Who is responsible for cargo plan? What are your action if you need to substitute chief officer?
    13. If you are on cargo operation. You are the Officer of the watch and the vessel is discharging. What must be accommodation pressure positive, negative or equal with atmospheric?
    14. The vessel is moored alongside. There is strong wind. During your safety watch you see one of the wires or ropes on the drums start slipping. What does it mean?

    Видео: собеседование судоводителей




    2 недели





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